
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Don't live in the dark

Our marriage had been pretty rocky for over 6 years. We got along for about 3 weeks out of every month. There was always that one month that we would fight and argue. My wife was never happy, she claimed she had alot of anger built up towards me. I couldn't figure out why, I always told her I loved her, I hugged her often, and we would go out all the time. Despite all of this she was always never fully happy. She felt as if I was not giving her enough attention. I didn't know what more I could do. I had to have a life of my own as well.

I have always been very focused on my job and trying to increase my position. I thought this was a trait that she admired. She often told me that she did indeed admire this about me. She supported me during everything, yet she always felt like I put her second. I was at my wits end trying to convince her otherwise.

How could I do the things I needed to do to fulfill my life, yet put her first in every aspect of my life? I could not figure this out and it cost me, it cost me big time.

I never would've imagined that my wife would've cheated on me. She was just not that type of woman. Her affair lasted several months. At first I felt something was different and I kind of suspected something was up, but I never really beleived that it was true.

I searched the internet looking for some type of support group, and ended up purchasing a book that had tons of ways to know if my wife was cheating. I was so intrigued I read the book about three times. What I learned was textbook to what she was doing. My heart sunk. I had not confronted her yet about it though. I also continued to look for more products that could help me, as if the book was not enough. It was almost like I was obsessed.

I stumbled upon a Spy program that could spy on her computer history. I didn't know things like that even existed. The program recorded everything she typed, every email she sent, the websites she went too, and her chat logs. This was the silver bullet I needed.

I confronted her with all the info, and she was devastated. She begged and pleaded not to break up. It was too late, What I read in her emails and chat logs was more than I could handle. I am now remarried and am very happy.

My exwife is not with the man she cheated with, She is actually single and regretful of her mistake. I recommend everyone do their research and find out what is going on in their relationship. Good luck to ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain brother, thanks for sharing. I bought the book and I couldn't beleive how stupid I was. She has been cheating on me for over a year and a half. I wish I had know this stuff sooner. Thanks a lot and good luck in your new marriage.