
Monday, May 21, 2007

something clever

Ever heard of "mis-direction"?

It's used by all great magicians.

In a nutsell, it's simply a way to "throw off" focus from
one thought to another without you realizing.

So how can YOU use misdirection, to "wrong foot" your

Picture this...

Say your hsband or wife told you they would be going for some drinks
with friends yesterday evening, but you get the feeling they
were spending time with "someone" else... can ask your spouse very "CASUALLY" how the evening
was with their friends, quickly followed by a question about
something mundane.

What this does is "shift" your partners concentration, and
stops him from coming up with some rubbish alibi and they go
for the instinctive first response of.."it was ok" or
something to that effect.

The reason they probably won't bother with a "lie" is this:

BECAUSE of the casual way you asked the question and then
went on to asking other mundane questions, sub-consciously
they "understood" you are not really interested in the
answer anyway... it's not worth them creating an alibi.

Instead an instinctive quick answer is given..and you both
move on.


You then find a way to confirm the story. Ask a "friend" who
was allegedly there with your partner, how their evening

Again, do so casually. Don't make it sound like the

In all probablities, they will inadvertently tell you the
truth, that they "haven't seen your spouse for a while"-

and why wouldn't they as they have no idea you've been told

Again, you keep that as proof, for when you do confront your

if you want a "clear blueprint" to shortcut
your way to finding the truth about your partner by inciting
reactions rather than confontration, check the resource
click here

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